Transformations in Model-Based Software EngineeringZeit: Mi. 15.00 - 15:45 und Do. 13:15 - 14:45 UhrRaum: IZ 160. Erster Termin:Wed May 4 Dozent: Dr. Jon Whittle Art der Veranstaltung: Vorlesung Stundenzahl: 2 SWS (Achtung: Realisiert als (2+1) innerhalb von 8 Wochen, siehe "weitere Informationen") Semester: Hauptstudium Hörerkreis: Studenten und Studentinnen der Informatik, CSE, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Elektrotechnik, IST und Medienwissenschaften Scheinerwerb: nach Absprache Schwerpunktzuordnung: Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist Teil des Schwerpunkts "Software Engineering" von Prof. Dr. Rumpe. Overview: This course will introduce the latest developments in model-driven software development, with particular focus on how transformations between models can be specified and executed. The OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA) makes a distinction between Platform Independent Models (PIMs) and Platform Specific Models (PSMs) and advocates the automation of transformations between PIMs and PSMs for development, analysis, simulation and testing of software. The course will show how transformations can be specified in the context of MDA and how they can be applied in practice. The course will also cover how to develop domain-specific modeling languages and transformations for taking advantage of domain knowledge in a model-based software development process. Model-based transformations lead to important gains in software portability, maintainability, and interoperabilty. The technology, however, is still developing. The course will focus on immediate practical benefits of the technology as well as covering future trends. The following topics will be covered:
Schedule (tentative):
Lectures Electronic Slides from the Lectures will be posted here, after each lecture. Suggested Reading will also be posted here.
EXAMS: For exam procedure, look here and for student groups/presentations, look here Weitere Informationen:
Literature (Recommended):
Literature (Other):
Instructor Bio: Dr Jon Whittle most recently worked as a research lead in NASA's Center of Excellence for Information Technologies. He has published widely in the field of software modeling, with 38 refereed publications to his credit. He was also the Principal Architect for a number of research systems developed at NASA in the area of software modeling, transformation and domain-specific languages. These systems were applied to real problems in the areas of telecommunications, deep space attitute control systems and air traffic control. Dr Whittle has a PhD and Masters from the University of Edinburgh (UK) and a Bachelors Degree from the University of Oxford. Keep informed about new lectures and new diploma/study theses | ||