Publications from 1992 to 2003
Bernhard Rumpe
Newer publications can be found here.
List of books can be found here.
The UML Profile for Framework Architectures
Marcus Fontoura, Wolfgang Pree, Bernhard Rumpe.
Addison-Wesley. 2001.
Practical UML-Based Rigorous Development Methods -
Countering or Integrating the eXtremists
Workshop of the pUML-Group held together with the UML'2001
October 1st, 2001 in Toronto, Canada
Andy Evans, Robert France, Ana Moreira, Bernhard Rumpe (eds.).
GI. Lecture Notes in Informatics. P-7. 2001.
Übungen zur Einführung in die Informatik
Strukturierte Aufgabensammlung mit Musterlösungen
2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage
Manfred Broy, Bernhard Rumpe.
Springer Verlag. 2001.
Übungen zur Einführung in die Informatik - Strukturierte Aufgabensammlung mit Musterlösungen
Manfred Broy, Bernhard Rumpe. Naucnii Mir Verlag. Dialog, MIFI.
Moskva, 2000. (Russische Ausgabe des gleichnamigen deutschen Buchs)
Software Engineering. Schlüssel zu Prozeßbeherrschung und Informationsmanagement.
M. Broy; H. Ehler; B. Paech; B. Rumpe; V. Thurner.
TCW-report 24. TCW Transfer Centrum. ISBN 3-934155-52-9
<<UML>>'99 - The Unified Modeling Language. Beyond the Standard.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference
in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, October 28-30, 1999.
Robert France, Bernhard Rumpe.
Springer Verlag Berlin, LNCS 1723.
Behavioral specifications of businesses and systems.
Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe, Ian Simmonds (Eds.)
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
Requirements Targeting Software and Systems Engineering
(International Workshop RTSE'97, Proceedings)
Manfred Broy, Bernhard Rumpe (Eds.).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1526. Springer Verlag. 1998.
Übungen zur Einführung in die Informatik -
Strukturierte Aufgabensammlung mit Musterlösungen
Manfred Broy, Bernhard Rumpe
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, ISBN 3-540-63549-1.
Year: 1997.
Formale Methodik des Entwurfs verteilter objektorientierter
Bernhard Rumpe.
Herbert Utz Verlag Wissenschaft, ISBN 3-89675-149-2.
Dissertation Technische Universität München.
Year: 1996.
Guest Editorials:
M. Glinz, G. Müller-Luschnat, B. Rumpe. "Modellierung 2002"
In: Informatik in Forschung und Entwicklung (IFE), Band 18, Nummer 3,
Guest Editorial, Springer Verlag, 2004.
Automated Software Engineering: Special Issue on Precise Semantics for Software Modeling Techniques (PSMT'-an ICSE'98 Workshop)
Guest Editors: Tom S.E. Maibaum, Bernhard Rumpe
Volume 7, Issue 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, March 2000.
Journal articles:
Testing Agile Requirements Models.
J. Botaschanjan, M. Pister, B. Rumpe
C. Chen, W. Dosch, Y. Qian, H. Lin (Eds.)
In: Proceedings of the First Hangzhou-Lübeck Conference on Software Engineering (HL-SE 03)
Hangzhou, China, Nov. 1-2, 2003
Scaling the Management of Extreme Programming Projects
B. Rumpe, P. Scholz
In: Projects & Profits. Special Issue on Management of Extreme Programming Projects, Vol. III (8), pp. 11-18. ICFAI-Press, Hyderabat, August 2003
UML - Unified Modeling Language im Einsatz. Teile 1-2.
Hintergrund und Notation der Standard UML.
Bernhard Rumpe, Robert Sandner
In: at - Automatisierungstechnik, Reihe Theorie für den Anwender, Band 49, Heft 9 und 10. 2001
UML - Unified Modeling Language im Einsatz. Teil 3.
UML-RT für echtzeitkritische und eingebettete Systeme
Bernhard Rumpe, Robert Sandner
In: at - Automatisierungstechnik, Reihe Theorie für den Anwender, Band 49, Heft 11. 2001
Methodik, Sprachen und Grundlagen des Software Engineering (Abschlußbericht des Forschungslabors Syslab 10/94-9/99)
Manfred Broy, Ruth Breu, Franz Huber, Ingolf Krüger, Bernhard Rumpe, Wolfgang Schwerin
In: Informatik: Forschung und Entwicklung, Band 16, Heft 1. pp. 53-59
The UML as a formal modeling notation
Robert France, Andy Evans, Kevin Lano, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Computer Standards & Interfaces. 19 (1998), p. 325-334.
Exemplary and Complete Object Interaction Descriptions
R. Breu, R. Grosu, C. Hofmann, F. Huber, I. Krüger, B. Rumpe, M. Schmidt, W. Schwerin
In: Computer Standards & Interfaces. 19 (1998), p. 335-345.
Edited proceedings:
Critical Systems Development with UML - Proceedings of the "UML 2003
Edited by: J. Jürjens, Bernhard Rumpe, Robert France, Eduardo B.
Technische Universität München. 2003.
Critical Systems Development with UML - Proceedings of the "UML'2002" Workshop
Edited by: J. Jürjens, M. Cengarle, E. Fernandez, B. Rumpe, R. Sandnder
Technische Universität München. 2002.
UML'2000 Workshop on Dynamic Behaviour in UML Models: Semantic Questions
Edited by: Gianna Reggio, Alexander Knapp, Bernhard Rumpe, Bran Selic, Roel Wieringa
Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München. 2000.
Seventh OOPSLA Workshop on Behavioral
Semantics of OO Business and System Specifications
Edited by: Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe, Ian Simmonds
Second ECOOP Workshop on Precise Behavioral Semantics (with an Emphasis on OO Business Specifications)
Edited by: Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe
RTSE'97 - Workshop on Requirements Targeting Software Engineering
Manfred Broy, Bernhard Rumpe
(Springer LNCS 1526 contains revised versions of this articles)
ICSE'98 Workshop on Precise Semantics
for Modeling Techniques (PSMT)
Edited by: Manfred Broy, Derek Coleman, Tom S. E. Maibaum, Bernhard Rumpe
OOPSLA'97 Workshop on Object-Oriented
Behavioral Semantics
Edited by: Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe, Ian Simmonds.
ECOOP'97 Workshop on Precise Semantics for Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques.
Edited by: Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe.
Papers and Summaries:
Model-Based Testing of Object-Oriented Systems
In: Formal Methods for Components and Objects
F. de Boer, M.Bonsangue, S. Graf, W.-P. de Roever (eds.)
International Symposium, FMCO 2002. Leiden, November 2002, Revised Lectures. LNCS 2852,
Springer Verlag, 2003
Security into a Web-Based Information System.
Bettencourt da Cruz, B. Rumpe, G. Wimmel.
In: Web Engineering. International
Conference ICWE 2003. Oviedo, Spain, Proceedings LNCS 2722,
Springer Verlag, July 2003
E-Business Experiences with Online Auctions.
B. Rumpe
In: Managing E-Commerce and Mobile Computing Technologies
Julie Mariga (Ed.)
IRM Press, 2003
Refactoring of Programs and Specifications
J. Philipps, B. Rumpe
In: Practical foundations of business and system specifications. H.Kilov and K.Baclawski (eds.), pg. 281-297,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
Agile Modeling in Lightweight Projects
Bernhard Rumpe
In: Monterey 2002.Radical Innovations of Software and Systems Engineering in the Future.
Workshop Proceedings. Venezia, Oct. 2002
M. Wirsing, S. Balsamo, A. Knapp(eds.)
Universita Ca Foscari di Venezia. TR CS-2002-10. 2002.
Product Line Annotations with UML-F
Wolfgang Pree, Marcus Fontoura, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Software Product Lines - Second International Conference, SPLC 2, San Diego, Proceedings LNCS 2379.
G.J. Chastek (ed.)
Springer Verlag. 2002.
Limitations of Agile Software Processes
Dan Turk, Robert France, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Third International Conference on Extreme Programming
and Flexible Processes in Software Engineering, XP2002,
May 26-30, Alghero, Italy, pg. 43-46, 2002.
A manager's view on large scale XP projects
Bernhard Rumpe, Peter Scholz
In: Third International Conference on Extreme Programming
and Flexible Processes in Software Engineering, XP2002,
May 26-30, Alghero, Italy, pg. 158-159, 2002.
Quantitative Survey on Extreme Programming Projects
Bernhard Rumpe, Astrid Schröder
In: Third International Conference on Extreme Programming
and Flexible Processes in Software Engineering, XP2002,
May 26-30, Alghero, Italy, pg. 95-100, 2002.
(short version of the TUM-I0110 Technical report below)
The Amsterdam Manifesto on OCL
Steve Cook, Anneke Kleppe, Richard Mitchell, Bernhard Rumpe, Jos Warmer, and Alan Wills
In: Object Modeling with the OCL, pp. 115-149
Tony Clark, Jos Warmer (eds.)
Springer Verlag, LNCS 2263
Java-OCL Based on New Presentation of the OCL-Syntax
Bernhard Rumpe
In: Object Modeling with the OCL, pp. 189-212
Tony Clark, Jos Warmer (eds.)
Springer Verlag, LNCS 2263
Executable Modeling with UML. A Vision
or a Nightmare?
Bernhard Rumpe
In: Issues & Trends of Information Technology Management
in Contemporary Associations, Seattle. Idea Group Publishing,
Hershey, London, pp. 697-701. 2002.
Product Line Annotations with UML-F
Marcus Fontoura, Bernhard Rumpe, Wolfgang Pree
In: Second Software Product Line Conference.
August 19-22. San Diego, California. LNCS. Springer Verlag. 2002. to appear.
Online Auctions (lessons learned from strategic E-Business consulting)
Bernhard Rumpe
In: Issues & Trends of Information Technology Management
in Contemporary Associations, Seattle. Idea Group Publishing,
Hershey, London, pp. 682-686. 2002.
Roots of Refactoring
Jan Philipps, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Tenth OOPSLA Workshop on Behavioral Semantics.
Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, October 15, 2001.
Kenneth Baclavski, Haim Kilov (eds.)
Northeastern University
The WebShop E-Commerce Framework
Marcus Fontoura, Bernhard Rumpe, Wolfgang Pree
In: International Conference on Internet Computing
CSREA press, 2001.
Hierarchical XP
Carsten Jacobi, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Extreme Programming Examined.
G. Succi, M. Marchesi (eds.)
Addison-Wesley, 2001.
A Framework for Realtime Online Auctions
Bernhard Rumpe, Guido Wimmel
In: Managing Information Technology in a Global Economy.
Proceedings of IRMA International Conference, Toronto
pp. 908--912
Extreme Programming -- Back to Basics?
Bernhard Rumpe
In: Modellierung 2001, Workshop der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.(GI)
28.-30.3.2001, Bad Lippspringe. pp. 121-131
G. Engels, A. Oberweis, A. Zündorf (eds.)
GI-Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics
UML-F: A Modeling Language for Object-Oriented Frameworks
Marcus Fontoura, Wolfgang Pree, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Proceedings of ECOOP 2000-Object-Oriented Programming Conference, pp.63-83
Elisa Bertino (eds.)
Springer Verlag, LNCS 1850
UML Semantics FAQ
S. Kent, A. Evans, B. Rumpe
In: Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'99 Workshop Reader
A. Moreira, S. Demeyer (eds.)
LNCS 1743, Springer Verlag
Defining UML Family
Members Using Prefaces
S. Cook, A. Kleppe, R. Mitchell, B. Rumpe, J. Warmer, A. Wills
In: Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, TOOLS'99 Pacific
Ch. Mingins, B. Meyer (eds.)
IEEE Computer Society
UML + ROOM as a Standard ADL?
B. Rumpe, M. Schoenmakers, A. Radermacher, A. Schürr
In: Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ICECCS'99 Proceedings
F. Titsworth (eds.)
IEEE Computer Society
Meta-Modeling Semantics of UML
A. Evans, K. Lano, R. France, B. Rumpe
In: Behavioral Specifications of Businesses and Systems
H. Kilov, B. Rumpe, I. Simmonds (eds.)
Kluver Academic Publisher
Refinement of Pipe-and-Filter Architectures
Jan Philipps, Bernhard Rumpe
In: FM'99 - Formal Methods, Proceedings of the World Congress on Formal
Methods in the Development of Computing System. LNCS 1708, pages 96-115
J. M. Wing, J. Woodcock, J. Davies (eds.)
The UML as a Formal Modeling Notation
Andy Evans, Robert France, Kevin Lano, Bernhard Rumpe
In: The Unified Modeling Language - Workshop UML'98: Beyond the Notation
Jean Bezivin, Pierre-Alain Muller (eds.)
Springer Verlag Berlin, LNCS 1618, 1999.
FRISCO OEF - Dokument-basiertes
Editor Framework
Franz Huber, Olav Rabe, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Erfahrungen mit Java. Projekte aus Industrie und Hochschule
Ed: Silvano Maffeis, Fridtjof Toenniessen, Christian Zeidler
d-punkt Verlag, Heidelberg, 1999.
Second ECOOP Workshop on Precise
Behavioral Semantics (with an Emphasis on OO Business Specifications)
Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Object-Oriented Technology - ECOOP'98 Workshop Reader
S. Demeyer, J. Bosch (eds.)
Springer Verlag Berlin, LNCS 1543, 1998.
Making UML Precise.
A. Evans, J-M. Bruel, R. France, K. Lano, B. Rumpe.
In: OOPSLA'98 Workshop on ``Formalizing UML. Why and How?''
Vancouver, Canada. October 1998.
Software and System Modeling Based on a Unified Formal Semantics.
M. Broy, F. Huber, B. Paech, B. Rumpe, K. Spies.
In: Requirements Targeting Software and Systems Engineering.
International Workshop RTSE'97. Manfred Broy, Bernhard Rumpe (Eds.).
Bernried, Germany, October 1997.
LNCS 1526, Springer Verlag.
Formale Methodik des Entwurfs
verteilter objektorientierter Systeme
Bernhard Rumpe
In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 1997
B. G. Teubner Stuttgart
Modeling Dynamic Component Interfaces
Franz Huber, Andreas Rausch, Bernhard Rumpe
In: TOOLS 26, Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
Madhu Singh, Bertrand Meyer, Joseph Gil, Richard Mitchell (eds.)
IEEE Computer Society
A Note on Semantics (with an Emphasis on
Bernhard Rumpe
In: Second ECOOP Workshop on Precise Behavioral Semantics
Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe (eds.)
Technische Universität München, TUM-I9813
Developing the UML as a Formal Modelling Notation
Andy Evans, Robert France, Kevin Lano, Bernhard Rumpe
In: UML'98 Beyond the notation. International Workshop Mulhouse France.
Pierre-Alain Muller, Jean Bezivin (eds.)
Ecole Superieure Mulhouse, Universite de Haute-Alsace. 1998.
PSMT -- ICSE'98 Workshop on Precise Semantics for Software Modeling Techniques
Manfred Broy, Derek Coleman, Tom S. E. Maibaum, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineerig (ICSE'98) Addendum
IEEE Computer Society, 1998.
Towards a Precise Semantics for Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques.
Ruth Breu, Radu Grosu, Franz Huber, Bernhard Rumpe, Wolfgang Schwerin.
In: Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'97 Workshop Reader. Jan Bosch,
Stuart Mitchell (eds.) Springer Verlag, LNCS 1357, 1997.
Towards Development of Correct Software
using Views.
Barbara Paech, Bernhard Rumpe
In: ROOS project report GR/K67311-2, Proceedings of BCS FACS/EROS ROOM
Workshop, 1997, Andy Evans, Kevin Lano (eds).
BMW-ROOM An Object-Oriented Method for ASCET
Max Fuchs, Dieter Nazareth, Dirk Daniel, Bernhard Rumpe
In: SAE'98, Cobo Center (Detroit, Michigan, USA), February 23 - 26, 1998
Society of Automotive Engineers
Seventh OOPSLA Workshop on Behavioral Semantics of OO Business and System Specifications
Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe, Ian Simmonds
In: OOPSLA'98 Addendum, unpublished
Systems, Views and Models of UML
Ruth Breu, Radu Grosu, Franz Huber, Bernhard Rumpe, Wolfgang Schwerin
In: The Unified Modeling Language, Technical Aspects and Applications
Martin Schader, Axel Korthaus (eds.)
Physica Verlag, Heidelberg. 1998.
Object-Oriented Behavioral
Semantics - With an Emphasis on Semantics of Large OO Business Specifications
Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe, Ian Simmonds
In: OOPSLA'97 Conference Addendum to the Proceedings
ACM press
Summary of ECOOP'97 Workshop on Precise Semantics
of Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques
Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Object-Oriented Technology - ECOOP'97 Workshop Reader
J. Bosch, S. Mitchell (eds.)
Springer Verlag Berlin, LNCS 1357, 1997.
Refinement of Information Flow Architectures
Jan Philipps, Bernhard Rumpe
In: ICFEM'97 Proceedings, Hiroshima. Japan., M. Hinchey, IEEE CS Press.
Towards a Precise Semantics for Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques
Ruth Breu, Radu Grosu, Franz Huber, Bernhard Rumpe, Wolfgang Schwerin
In: Proceedings ECOOP'97 Workshop on Precise Semantics for Object-Oriented
Modeling Techniques, Editors: Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe, TUM-I9725.
Exemplary and Complete Object Interaction Descriptions
Ruth Breu, Radu Grosu, Christoph Hofmann, Franz Huber, Ingolf Krüger,
Bernhard Rumpe, Monika Schmidt, Wolfgang Schwerin
In: Proceedings OOPSLA'97 Workshop on Object-oriented Behavioral Semantics,
Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe, Ian Simmonds, TUM-I9737.
Feature Specification and Refinement with State Transition Diagrams
Cornel Klein, Christian Prehofer, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Fourth IEEE Workshop on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications
Networks and Distributed Systems, P. Dini, IOS-Press. 1997.
Based Service Description
Barbara Paech, Bernhard Rumpe.
In: FMOODS'97: Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems
ed.: John Derrick, Chapman-Hall.
Year: 1997
Towards a Formalization of the Unified Modeling Language
Ruth Breu, Ursula Hinkel, Christoph Hofmann, Cornel Klein, Barbara
Paech, Bernhard Rumpe, Veronika Thurner
In: Proceedings of ECOOP'97 - Object-Oriented Programming, 11th European
Conference, Mehmet Aksit, Satoshi Matsuoka (ed.), Jyväskylä,
Finland, June 1997, Springer Verlag, LNCS 1241.
Automata Describing Object Behavior.
B. Rumpe, C. Klein.
In: Specification of Behavioral Semantics in Object-Oriented Information
Modeling. H. Kilov W. Harvey (ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1996. p. 265-286.
A stream-based mathematical model for distributed information processing systems - SysLab system model -.
Cornel Klein, Bernhard Rumpe, Manfred Broy.
In: Proceedings of the first International Workshop on Formal Methods
for Open Object-based Distributed Systems. 1996. (ed.). Chapmann & Hall.
Gofer Objekt-System -- Imperativ
Objektorientierte und Funktionale Programmierung in einer Sprache vereint.
Bernhard Rumpe.
In: Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung,
Adalbert Stifter Haus, Alt Reichenau, 11.10.1995. 1995. p. 35-47.
Tiziana Margaria (ed.). Technischer Bericht der Universität Passau, MIP-9519.
A new Concept of Refinement used for
Behaviour Modelling with Automata,
Barbara Paech, Bernhard Rumpe.
In: FME'94: Industrial Benefit of Formal Methods. Editors: Maurice
Naftalin, Tim Denvir, Miquel Bertran. LNCS 873. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1994.
Technical Reports:
Introducing Security Mechanisms after Initial Development: the RAC Case Study
D. Bettencourt da Cruz, B. Rumpe, G. Wimmel
Workshop Agile Methodologies Experience
M. Pizka, B. Rumpe, T.Seifert
(ehem. Virtuelles Software Engineering Kompetenzzentrum)
TUM-I0110 and ViSEK/006/D
Quantitative Untersuchung des Extreme Programming Prozesses
Bernhard Rumpe, Astrid Schröder
software-kompetenz.de 2001.
The Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel, MCS00-16
Modeling Languages: Syntax, Semantics and All That Stuff
David Harel, Bernhard Rumpe
Princeton University, Computer Science, TR-613-99
UML-F: A Modeling Language for Object-Oriented Frameworks
Marcus Fontura, Wolfgang Pree, Bernhard Rumpe
The Amsterdam Manifesto on OCL
Steve Cook, Anneke Kleppe, Richard Mitchell,
Bernhard Rumpe, Jos Warmer, Alan Wills
1999 (slightly updated in LNCS 2263, see above).
Internet Buchhandel - Eine UML Fallstudie
Gerhard Popp, Franz Huber, Ingolf Krüger, Bernhard Rumpe, Wolfgang Schwerin
Hybrid System Model
Thomas Stauner, Bernhard Rumpe, Peter Scholz
Frisco F - Eine funktionale, logische und algebraische Spezifikationssprache
Christian Lesny, Franz Huber, Bernhard Rumpe
Component Interface Diagrams: Putting Components to Work
Franz Huber, Andreas Rausch, Bernhard Rumpe
Refining Business Processes
Bernhard Rumpe, Veronika Thurner
In: Seventh OOPSLA Workshop on Precise Behavioral Semantics (with an Emphasis on OO Business Specifications)
Haim Kilov, Bernhard Rumpe, Ian Simmonds (eds.)
Technical University Munich, TUM-I9820
Frisco STDA - Werkzeug zur methodischen Bearbeitung von Automaten
Michael Fahrmair, Bernhard Rumpe
Stepwise Refinement of Data
Flow Architectures
Jan Philipps, Bernhard Rumpe
In: Software Architectures and Design Patterns in Business Applications
Manfred Broy, Ernst Denert, Klaus Renzel, Monika Schmidt (eds.)
Technische Universität München, TUM-I9746
Towards a Formalization of the Unified Modeling Language
Ruth Breu, Ursula Hinkel, Christoph Hofmann, Cornel Klein, Barbara Paech, Bernhard Rumpe, Veronika Thurner
Enhancing the SysLab System Model with State.
Radu Grosu, Cornel Klein, Bernhard Rumpe.
State Transition Diagrams.
Radu Grosu, Cornel Klein, Bernhard Rumpe, Manfred Broy.
Concurrent Timed Port Automata.
Radu Grosu, Bernhard Rumpe.
Ein strombasiertes mathematisches Modell verteilter informationsverarbeitender
Systeme - Syslab Systemmodell -
Bernhard Rumpe, Cornel Klein, Manfred Broy
Event Handling in ET++ -- A Case Study in the Algebraic Specification of Object--Oriented Application Frameworks.
Klaus Bergner, Bernhard Rumpe
A new Concept of Refinement used for Behaviour Modelling with Automata
Barbara Paech, Bernhard Rumpe