PSMT - Workshop on
in Kyoto, Japan, April 20th.
The review process is finished. From thirteen submitted papers have been accepted seven. The proceedings are available from the organizers (send an email). They have the following contents (no particular ordering):
To reference a paper, the following bibentry can be used:
author = {...},
title = {...},
booktitle = {{Proceedings PSMT'98 Workshop
Precise Semantics
Modeling Techniques}},
year = {1997},
month = apr,
publisher = {Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
editor = {Manfred Broy and Derek Coleman
S. E. Maibaum and Bernhard Rumpe}
The workshop is open for everyone who registers for it. For registration, please see ICSE registration page.
Currently there is an ongoing standardization process for syntactical representations of object-oriented modeling techniques (MT) initiated by the OMG. A standardization of MT does not only involve a precise syntax, but a precise semantics as well. This is essential for an unambiguous understanding of system specifications given by MT, escpecially when using diagrammatic and iconic languages, as it is very common in software engineering.
A precise semantics allows us to detect inconsistencies and inaccuracies both in MT themselves (metareasoning about the MT used), and in specifications written using these MT (reasoning about the defined system), as well as to compare different MT in a more precise way and improving the notation. Furthermore, it enables precise characterisation of interoperability between different MT. From an engineering perspective, it also allows us to use a notation in a more standardized way, thus leading to better and less ambiguous understanding, supporting true reuse of specifications and designs, and a more accurate definition of context conditions or (code) generators. Also requirements decisions can be traced more precisely to produced code. Based on a precise semantics of modeling techniques tool support beyond graphic editors becomes possible. Even the integration of tools and the combination of methods is then more feasible as it is today.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers, requirements engineers, software engineers and tool builders, for substantial discussions on the following topics:
The scope of the workshop includes in particular, but is not limited to: … ,via email to Bernhard Rumpe, or to other organizers.
Workshop submissions should be a full paper of about 14-18 pages and highlight the main contributions of the authors. All submissions will be reviewed and judged by the program comittee according to criteria including novelty and interest of ideas, OR potential interest by the community in an overview of relevant work by a group. The most interesting papers will be selected and their authors may present them in about 20 minutes.
Papers presented at the workshop will be published as a technical report by the Munich University of Technology and will be available at the workshop. Afterwards a selection of the best papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal.
Workshop submissions are expected to contain affiliations of the autors, an abstract and keywords, and must be sent as standard PostScript file (format A4) electronically to Bernhard Rumpe. An extra ASCII file, again containing title, authors' affiliations, abstract and keywords should be added.
[ , ASCII-version of CfP]
Bernhard Rumpe, April, 8th, 1998.