Seventh OOPSLA Workshop on
Behavioral Semantics of
OO Business and System Specifications
in conjunction with
The Thirteenth Annual ACM Conference
on Object-Oriented Programming Systems,
Languages and Applications
Monday 19th October 1998
The contents
and the preface
of the proceedings.
The workshop proceedings where
printed as technical report by the Technische Universität München.
But we ran out of copies.
Call for Papers:
Workshop themes:
Business and system specifications are technical documents
used to describe and understand businesses and specifically business rules
and the computer systems that have to support (some of) these rules. Specifications
have to express this understanding in a clear, precise, and explicit way,
in order to act as common ground between business domain experts, analysts
and software developers. They also provide the basis for reuse of concepts
and constructs ("patterns") common to all, or a large number of, businesses,
and in doing so save intellectual effort, time and money. They introduce
precision much earlier than in coding, so that business people -- and not
the developers -- define all business rules. Adequate specification approaches
substantially ease the elicitation of business requirements during walkthroughs
with business customers, and support clear separation of concerns known
since Adam Smith as division of labor. Different audiences are interested
in different aspects of "common business components", and correspondingly
may want to buy or sell these components based on different criteria.
Precise specification of semantics -- as opposed
to just signatures -- is essential not only for business specifications,
but also for business designs and system specifications. In particular,
it is needed for appropriate handling of viewpoints which are essential
for understanding large and even moderately sized systems, both business
and computer ones. (800-page "flat" specifications are neiter used nor
read by anyone.) In order to handle the complexity of a (new or existing)
large system, it must be considered, on the one hand, as a composition
of separate viewpoints, and on the other hand, as an integrated whole,
probably at different abstraction levels.
Many concepts and constructs used for all kinds of
behavioral specifications -- from business to systems -- have common semantics
and thus are good candidates for standardization and industry-wide usage.
Various international standardization activities (such as the ISO Reference
Model of Open Distributed Processing, OMG activities around the semantics
of UML and other OMG submissions, (common) business objects, as well as
the OMG semantics working group) are at different stages of addressing
these issues.
It is therefore the aim of the workshop to bring
together theoreticians and practitioners to report their experience with
making semantics precise (perhaps even formal), clear, concise and explicit
in OO business specifications, business designs, and system specifications.
Both academic (teaching!) and industrial "war stories" will be particularly
appreciated. Experience in the usage of various (object-oriented) modeling
approaches for these purposes would be of special interest, as would experience
in explicit traceability of semantics between a business specification,
business design, and a system specification.
Topics ...
include, but are not limited to: ?
business specifications ?
business architectures
precise specification of semantics ?
semantics of OO modeling approaches ?
semantics-preserving refinement strategies ?
viewpoint modelling ?
standards ?
business patterns (reusable fragments of specification)
related tool support.
Haim Kilov
Merrill Lynch
Operations, Services and Technology
World Financial Center
South Tower
New York
NY 10080-6105, USA
Bernhard Rumpe
Institut für Informatik,
Technische Universität München
80333 Munich, Germany
Ian Simmonds
IBM T J Watson Research Center
30 Saw Mill River Road
NY 10532, USA
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: August 1, 1998
Notification of acceptance: August 20, 1998
Final version: September 10, 1998
Day of workshop: October 19, 1998
Please note that workshop participants must register
at least on that day at OOPSLA conference. Early registration discount
is available until August 30, 1998. We will have an overhead projector,
and a flipchart available. Unfortunately nothing else.
Please note that the deadline for the final version
is hard.
will be printed as technical report of the Munich University
of Technology and will be available at the conference. Please note the
submission guidelines. We are planning to produce
a book with revised versions of the best papers of this and previous workshops.
This web site
and will contain all information about the workshop. You may also contact
the organizers.
should be about 5-10 pages and highlight the main contributions
of the author(s). Interesting papers will be selected by the organizers
and their authors will have the possibility to give a 20 minute presentation
of them at the workshop. Furthermore, each author is encouraged to present
open questions and one or two main statements that shall be discussed at
the workshop.
Submissions should be sent by email in Postscript
(or if necessary Lotus WordPro, RTF or Word) format to email:
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