Technical Report -
Bernhard Rumpe
Event Handling in ET++ -- A Case Study in the Algebraic Specification of Object--Oriented Application Frameworks.
Author(s): Klaus Bergner, Bernhard Rumpe
Year: 1995
Number: TUM-I9503
Abstract:In this report we investigate the suitability of algebraic specification techniques for the modular specification of complex, object-oriented systems. As an example, part of the event handling mechanism of the application framework ET++ is specified using a variant of the algebraic specification language Spectrum.
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@techreport{ Bergner-TUM-I9503,
author = {Klaus Bergner and Bernhard Rumpe},
title = {Event Handling in ET++ -- A Case Study in the Algebraic Specification of Object--Oriented Application Frameworks.},
number = {TUM-I9503},
institution = {Technische Univerit\"at M\"unchen},
year = {1995}
Bernhard Rumpe