Author(s): Thomas Stauner, Bernhard Rumpe, Peter Scholz
Year: 1999
Number: TUM-I9903
Abstract: In this paper we provide a mathematical chracterization
of sytems, that contain analog components, as well as strongly time
depended control components and rather time independent information
processing components. The presented system model is based on the notion
of streams and stream processing functions. It is used to formalize
and integrate the semantics of different description techniques that
occur in disciplines like computer science, economics, electrical and
electronical engineering, and mecanical engineering.
In the paper we develop a hierarchy of models. We start with a core
model that allows us to describe both discrete and continuous, that is,
hybrid behavior. Abstractions and refinements of this core model allow
to connect to given models for discrete timed and untimed systems. The
system model presented here is intended to be the base layer for other
system models.
Available as pdf
@techreport{ TUM-I9903,
author = {Thomas Stauner and Bernhard Rumpe and Peter Scholz},
title = {Hybrid System Model},
number = {TUM-I9903},
institution = {Technische Univerit\"at M\"unchen},
year = {1999}